Portfolio Site Plan

Gabriel Yanqui

WDD 130-2



The purpose of my portfolio website is to provide a centralized platform for me to showcase my creative works, professional accomplishments, and personal brand. This website serves as an online representation of my skills, experience, and expertise, by displaying a diverse range of projects and accomplishments, my portfolio website can demonstrate my abilities, style, and personality, helping me stand out in a crowded job market or creative industry. Overall, the purpose of my portfolio website is to support my personal branding, marketing, and career development.


The audience for my portfolio website would typically include potential clients, collaborators, recruiters, hiring managers, and other professionals who are interested in my skills, experience, and expertise. Furthermore, the audience for my portfolio website may also consist of fans, followers, and other individuals who are interested in my creative output, personal brand, or career development. In summary, the audience for my portfolio website can be diverse and varied, and the website should be tailored to showcase my accomplishments, strengths, and unique value proposition to these different groups.


Website Logo

Logo image

Style Guide

Color Palette

Palette URL: https://coolors.co/14344e-373e43-7e9181-c7cedb
PrimarySecondaryAccent 1Accent 2


Heading Font: Rubik

Paragraph Font: Raleway

Normal paragraph example

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

Colored paragraph example

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.


Site Map



Home page

Website Introduction

In this website, you will find a variety of projects and works that I have created throughout my career as a designer and creative professional. The website has been designed for an audience interested in learning about my experience and skills in different fields of creativity and design.

Skills and Experience

The main reason why people will visit my website is to gain a better understanding of my work and skills. Visitors will be interested in seeing examples of my previous work to get an idea of how I can help them with their own projects. Additionally, it is likely that visitors are looking for a reliable and creative professional who can provide effective solutions for their design needs.

I expect visitors to my website to have questions about my experience and skills. To answer these questions, I have provided detailed information about my work experience, technical skills, and design approaches to give an idea of my ability to work on projects efficiently and effectively.

Some visitors to my website may be interested in completing certain actions, such as hiring my design services or scheduling a meeting with me to discuss their project. To make these actions easier to complete, I have provided clear information on how to contact me and have created contact forms for visitors to communicate with me directly from the website.

To complete any action on my website, visitors will need detailed information about my services and skills. To provide this information, I have created clear and well-organized sections on my website that detail my different areas of expertise.

Visitors will come to my website instead of others to obtain this information because I have created a clear and user-friendly website that highlights my skills and experience. I have also provided detailed information on how to contact me and how I can help with specific projects. In summary, my website is a reliable source of information about my work and skills, designed to help visitors make an informed decision about their design or creativity project.

Images for the Home page

image for homepage image for homepage


Showcase Section

As a designer and creative professional, my website will showcase my design style and approach. I will include a variety of projects and works that showcase my skills in different areas of design such as branding, graphic design, web design, and illustration. Visitors will be able to see the diversity of my skills and experience and have the ability to navigate through different projects and works easily.

Creative Process and Approach

In addition to displaying my work, I will also provide information on my creative process and approach to design. Visitors will have an idea of how I work and what to expect when working with me. This information will give visitors a better understanding of my approach to design and how it can benefit their project.

Images for the Portfolio

image for page image for page


Blog Section

As part of my website, I will also include a blog section. This section will provide a platform for me to share my thoughts and ideas on design-related topics. Visitors will be able to read my insights and opinions on different areas of design and creativity. This section will also help establish me as an expert in my field and will further showcase my knowledge and skills.

Social Media Integration

To make my website more engaging and interactive, I will also include social media integration. Visitors will be able to connect with me on different social media platforms and see my latest work and projects. This integration will also help me to build my online presence and establish a relationship with my audience.


Overall, my website will provide a comprehensive view of my work, skills, and approach to design. Visitors will be able to easily navigate through different projects and works and have a clear understanding of what to expect when working with me. With the inclusion of a blog section and social media integration, my website will also provide an engaging and interactive experience for visitors.

Images for the Blog

image for page3 image for page3


Create three wireframes for your site. One for each page and list them here


In the first paragraph, I will include a description about myself and my background education and goals.

home page wireframe


Portfolio page wireframe


In the Blog section, I will put recent post, thoughts, messages, tweets. I will also add a circular profile picture of my social media below each of my socials media description.

Blog page wireframe